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Vision Therapy Success Stories

Double Vision
My son says he no longer sees double and that's great!
Richard Geliebter
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I no longer see double.
Devorah Spire
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Karina was seeing double after her surgery. After Vision Therapy she is able to fuse the two images together and hold it as one for longer than she ever could. Her eyes look straight. This after other doctors had doubts about Karina being able to do it.
Karina Singh's Parents
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Eric's double vision has cleared up. He's able to get both his eyes to work together. He doesn't strain any more when he does school work. We're looking forward to when he returns to school in September. He won't have to struggle through his work any more!
Mr. and Mrs. G. Adams
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I rarely see double any more, and when I do I am able to clear it up instead of closing one eye. In general, I use both eyes 98% of the time. Prior to therapy, I tended to fall back on one-eye use more than I realized.
Gita Sheth
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I have noticed that my left eye does not turn out as much as it did previously. I can read for an extended period of time without double vision.
Theresa M. Bellardino
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Eric no longer has double vision.
Eric Blumenstyk's Parents
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Elishera's constant headaches are virtually gone, and she rarely, if ever, sees double.
Elishera Lehmann's Parents
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I can read for longer lengths of time without blurred vision and have a decrease in double vision.
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It was great!
Jeff Ferren
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I'm able to read better. I no longer get headaches or blurred double vision. I can also go cross-eyed without straining my eyes.
Natalie Mathusek
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My double vision has improved.
Doris Romeo
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The one major change is that my eyes don't get strained when I work at a computer screen. I also don't get headaches at the computer, and I can control my double vision now.
Erica Martin
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It worked for me!! I have a brain tumor. Pressure on the optic nerve caused double vision. It went away and came back. Vision therapy has given me complete single vision looking forward and to the right,but I'm still working on left views. Unfortunately, it is difficult to get more Vision Therapy because of insurance company. One old-fashioned doctor said "no". He went on and on about articles he had read, but my father and I said that I'm living proof it works. My dad finally asked what the doctor would do if it were his daughter in my position. He said he supposed he would have her practice eye therapy.
Brook (1997)

To locate an eye doctor who provides comprehensive pediatric vision examinations and treatment, including Vision Therapy, request a referral through our Referral Directory: Find a Pediatric Eye Doctor.

All other images and text: copyright © 1996- by Rachel Cooper. All rights reserved.